Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
Your donation or regular support will enable us to provide appropriate medical intervention for the babies in our care.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the building and furnishing of a family based home for a Mum and up to eight children.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
You can donate to where the need is the greatest OR to a specific aspect of our work.
Fountain of Peace New Zealand is a registered charity (CC48465) with donee status. Donations made to Fountain of Peace New Zealand of NZ$5 or more are eligible for a tax credit.
Please note: Our minimum donation amount is $5.00.
Please consider becoming a regular supporter of Fountain of Peace New Zealand by partnering with us in our work at just $20.00 (or more) per month. Regular giving ensures we have a steady source of income for the ongoing care of our children. We can’t rescue them and then let them starve, or be without clothing, or education; we can’t offer hope and then take it from them because funds have run out.
Of course, one-off donations are also very welcome and appreciated too.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
Your donation or regular support will enable us to provide appropriate medical intervention for the babies in our care.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the building and furnishing of a family based home for a Mum and up to eight children.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
Your donation or regular support will go towards the running of our Babies Home for orphaned or abandoned babies.
For a fast, simple and secure way to make a difference, you can donate above. You will receive a donation tax receipt at the end of our financial year. This will be emailed to you late April.
You can make a donation, or recurring donations, direct to our New Zealand bank account
Fountain of Peace Children's Foundation New Zealand, BNZ Invercargill, 02-0924-0107983-00
Please add your name as a reference and contact us here with your details so we can send you an annual donation tax receipt for your donations during the tax year, 1 April to 31 March (which have not previously been receipted). These will be emailed to you late April.
You can ask your employer to deduct donations from your pay and pass them on to Fountain of Peace New Zealand. For every dollar you donate, you get 33.33 cents back as a tax credit. The credit reduces the amount of PAYE or withholding tax you pay.
Donating your tax credit is a great way to make your giving go further.
You can claim up to one third of your donations back at the end of the tax year and these can be donated back to Fountain of Peace New Zealand. Contact us or visit the NZ IRD website for more information.
Leave a legacy. Please consider leaving a gift to Fountain of Peace New Zealand when you write or revise your Will.
We understand that loved ones come first, and we encourage you to discuss your intention with them before finalising your Will. We also encourage you to seek independent legal advice.
You can choose a general bequest, enabling funds to be used where most needed, or gift to one of our many projects.
Our commitment to you:
• We will respect that your decision is private and personal and will treat it as such - we will never pass on your personal data to another individual or organisation.
• We will handle your gift and wishes carefully with sensitivity and respect.
• We understand that circumstances change and you have the absolute right, at any time in the future, to change your mind about leaving a gift in your Will to Fountain of Peace New Zealand.
• We would love to hear if you've already chosen to include Fountain of Peace Children’s Foundation NZ in your Will, as we would like to acknowledge your kindness. However, we understand if you wish to remain anonymous.
After seeing an advert on television about an African woman having to walk miles each day to collect water (and dirty water at that), for more years than she cares to remember, 86-year-old Southland woman, Shirley, dreamed of being in a position to provide a well somewhere. Recently, after receiving some bequeathed funds, her long held dream has become a reality. Two wells have been constructed as a result of her donations to Fountain of Peace New Zealand, thus providing a source of clean and safe drinking water to 200 families.
‘When Jane spoke to us at St Stephens many years ago, I was moved by her dedication and the way Fountain of Peace have approached caring for orphaned children. Providing a good home, medical and health care, clothing, food, schooling, and spiritual guidance. Also, the aid extended to the general community, providing improved living conditions and giving the populace the means to improve agricultural and farming practices, with the long- term view of enabling them to be self -sufficient is to be commended.’