We have an amazing opportunity to have Grid Power (electricity) delivered to our FOP Children’s Village.
The proposal, to be jointly funded by FOP NZ and UK, will provide electricity to our present buildings, including our Bethel Babies Home, our Family Homes, Office Block, Sick-bay and all our school classrooms. It also has the capacity to see us well into the future (15 -20 years) allowing for any further family home buildings and school buildings.
These are just some of the many items that we require to pay for to enable Grid Power to be installed.
24 Power Poles at $376 each
5 Power Poles at $246.00 each
22 Danger Plates $6.00 each
400 metres of Earth Wire @ .50c per metre.
Your donation of any amount, towards this project can be made direct to our Fountain of Peace NZ Bank account 02 0924 0107983-00 OR click on the donate button on this page to make a secure credit card donation.