Mothers Matter in Childbirth Update

September 12, 2024
/ By
Fountain of Peace

Mothers Matter in Childbirth (MMC) is working to ensure that vulnerable expectant mothers, and their babies, have a chance of a healthy life by supporting access to essential life-saving maternal health services.

Vulnerable pregnant mothers, those who have been identified by one of our MMC Village Health Team members (voluntary role) are monitored during pregnancy and are able to call one of our boda boda drivers to take them to the health centre. Here they are given a Mama Kit with basic items deemed necessary for a clean and safe delivery such as surgical gloves, razor blade, plastic sheeting etc. with the addition of an item of clothing for baby as well as a sheet to wrap baby in. If there are difficulties in labour, the mum is then transferred to Kyenjojo Hospital by boda boda, or by ambulance if necessary.

We celebrate that to date nearly 450 mothers have safely given birth via this life saving /life giving programme, which started in October2023.This means that every expectant mother who has chosen MMC has safely given birth - such a heartwarming milestone.

Just this week, our dedicated MMC Project Coordinator, Hassan, met up with our first MMC mum and her now 9-month-old little girl - a special photo opportunity.

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