Updates from our NZ Team Visit to Uganda

June 5, 2024
/ By
Fountain of Peace

During the recent Fountain of Peace NZ team visit to Uganda, the team participated in several 'hands-on' projects including constructing a chicken coop for two of our family homes, a sandpit and bookshelves for our Bethel Babies Home family and hosting a three-day hockey tournament between local schools.

We are most grateful to all who supported financially the teams 'wish list' to enable these projects to be undertaken.

The team visited the area where our Mothers Matter in Childbirth (MMC) mission has been established; meeting with community members and health workers and hearing first-hand the difference MMC is making and the hope it is giving.

There were also visits to our farmland and meeting up with different ones in the wider community who have been helped and encouraged in some way by the work of Fountain of Peace.

Besides all these activities no Fountain of Peace NZ tour would be complete without spending time with our own Fountain of Peace family of 77 children. There was lots of fun and laughter, by the children and our team alike, as they interacted together in construction work, playing sports and games, having story times, cuddles with the babies, and participating together in the children's church service.

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